status of quake3 and taspring
Lee Garrett
lee-in-berlin at
Wed Jan 24 00:06:16 CET 2007
me (I'm off-list, sorry for the slow reply!):
>> Selecting any of the options gives me a "Couldn't find any map
>> files" error. As the spring-data package has some maps, I'm not sure
>> what the error is. I tried changing the SpringData parameter in
>> .springrc to /usr/share/games/spring/ und
>> /usr/share/games/spring/base/, but that didn't help either.
Tobi Vollebregt:
> The spring-data package doesn't contain any maps as far as I know. Maybe
> you're considering something a map which isn't a map?
Yepp, been there, done that. I grepped for "map" which gave me a dir
with some data for the AI. I should've taken a closer look. Sorry
for that.
> Spring packages (both maps and mods) have a .sdz or .sd7 extension, maps are
> usually located in a "maps/" subdirectory of the data directory, mods in
> a "mods/" subdirectory (duh ;-).
I'll get some maps and have another go. I used to get my ta spring
from where
there is a debian repository for ta spring, mappacks, etc. Maybe you
could persuade the author (if he isn't on-list already) to
contribute? Just a thought.
mfg, Lee
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