RFS: Spout, a tiny but wonderful black and white game (ITP with Bug#356492)

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Thu Jul 5 05:31:00 UTC 2007

Dear Mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package Spout, a tiny black and white
cave-scrolling game built in c on top of SDL:

* Package name    : Spout
  Version         : 1.1a-1
  Upstream Author : Kumi
* URL             : http://www.din.or.jp/~ku_/junk/spout11a.zip
* License         : MIT
  Section         : games

* Browse   : http://rowrcolo.net/~kandinski/packages/spout/
  and you'll find :

Uploading this package will close bug 356492. It is policy-compliant and 	

Only difference between spout 1.1a and spout 1.1 (the version quoted in the
ITP bug) is the inclusion in the zipfile of a license.txt including the text
of the MIT license.

Thanks everyone who read this far!

Javier Candeira

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