Bug#432015: whichwayisup

Olli Etuaho olli.etuaho at tut.fi
Tue Jul 10 12:08:38 UTC 2007


This is really, really weird - the game shouldn't access the CD-ROM at 
all, in any circumstances. I can check the file requests the game makes 
for errors, but I doubt I'll find anything from there either. After all, 
if the game works like it should, the file paths most probably point just 
where they should. One possible reason would be misconfigured environment 
variables (like the HOME variable pointing to the CD-ROM), but I guess 
that's unlikely too. Does the game save settings like it should under 
~/.wwisup/ and is there anything suspicious in the game's own log file
(~/.wwisup/log.txt )?
Olli Etuaho

On Sat, 7 Jul 2007, Miriam Ruiz wrote:

> Hi!
> I received this strange bug report about your game:
> http://bugs.debian.org/432015
> Is there any reason for which the game needs to access the CDRom? might 
> it be a bug?
> Thanks in advance,
> Miry

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