Bug#426457: fretsonfire: Nothing displayed

Trent Buck trentbuck at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 09:18:37 UTC 2007

On Fri, Jun 01, 2007 at 12:20:30AM +1000, twb wrote:
> On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 02:55:49PM +0200, Miriam Ruiz wrote:
> > Do other programs using SDL and OpenGL Work well for you?
> Yes, stuff like Tremulous, Sauerbraten and Solarfox work perfectly.

Further to this; I discovered how to run fretsonfire with verbosity
and without fullscreen mode.  Attached is the verbose output and a
screenshot of what is displayed.  In particular there are the following warnings:

(W) PyOGG not found. OGG files will be fully decoded prior to playing; expect absurd memory usage.
(W) PyAmanith not found, SVG support disabled.
(W) Video setup failed. Trying without antialiasing.
(W) Unable to enable psyco.
(W) Unable to load guitar track: global name 'StreamingOggSound' is not defined

Note that pyogg is installed:

$ dpkg -l python-pyogg | tail -1
ii  python-pyogg   1.3-1.1        A Python interface to the Ogg library

You may also wish to Suggests: psyco for the benefit of users on the
i386 architecture.
Trent Buck
-------------- next part --------------
$ fretsonfire -v
(W) PyOGG not found. OGG files will be fully decoded prior to playing; expect absurd memory usage.
(W) PyAmanith not found, SVG support disabled.
(W) Video setup failed. Trying without antialiasing.
(W) Unable to enable psyco.
(W) Unable to load guitar track: global name 'StreamingOggSound' is not defined
(W) Unable to load guitar track: global name 'StreamingOggSound' is not defined
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  145 (XFree86-DRI)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  9 ()
  Value in failed request:  0x0
  Serial number of failed request:  39
  Current serial number in output stream:  39
$ fretsonfire -v
(W) PyOGG not found. OGG files will be fully decoded prior to playing; expect absurd memory usage.
(W) PyAmanith not found, SVG support disabled.
(D) Initializing audio.
(D) Audio configuration: (44100, -16, 1)
(D) Initializing video.
(W) Video setup failed. Trying without antialiasing.
(D) Enabling high priority timer.
(D) 0 joysticks found.
(N) Loading Data.star1 synchronously
(D) Loading cached bitmap '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/star1.png' instead of '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/star1.svg'.
(N) Loaded Data.star1 in 0.008 seconds
(N) Loading Data.star2 synchronously
(D) Loading cached bitmap '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/star2.png' instead of '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/star2.svg'.
(N) Loaded Data.star2 in 0.005 seconds
(N) Loading Data.left synchronously
(D) Loading cached bitmap '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/left.png' instead of '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/left.svg'.
(N) Loaded Data.left in 0.002 seconds
(N) Loading Data.right synchronously
(D) Loading cached bitmap '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/right.png' instead of '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/right.svg'.
(N) Loaded Data.right in 0.017 seconds
(N) Loading Data.ball1 synchronously
(D) Loading cached bitmap '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/ball1.png' instead of '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/ball1.svg'.
(N) Loaded Data.ball1 in 0.004 seconds
(N) Loading Data.ball2 synchronously
(D) Loading cached bitmap '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/ball2.png' instead of '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/ball2.svg'.
(N) Loaded Data.ball2 in 0.004 seconds
(N) Loading Data.loadingImage synchronously
(D) Loading cached bitmap '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/loading.png' instead of '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/loading.svg'.
(N) Loaded Data.loadingImage in 0.020 seconds
(N) Loading Data.font asynchronously
(N) Loading Data.bigFont asynchronously
(N) Loading Data.screwUpSounds asynchronously
(N) Loading Data.acceptSound asynchronously
(N) Loading Data.cancelSound asynchronously
(N) Loading Data.selectSound1 asynchronously
(N) Loading Data.selectSound2 asynchronously
(N) Loading Data.selectSound3 asynchronously
(N) Loading Data.startSound asynchronously
(D) Ready.
(N) Loading MainMenu.background synchronously
(D) Loading cached bitmap '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/keyboard.png' instead of '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/keyboard.svg'.
(N) Loaded MainMenu.background in 0.097 seconds
(N) Loading MainMenu.guy synchronously
(D) Loading cached bitmap '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/pose.png' instead of '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/pose.svg'.
(N) Loaded MainMenu.guy in 0.043 seconds
(N) Loading MainMenu.logo synchronously
(D) Loading cached bitmap '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/logo.png' instead of '/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/logo.svg'.
(N) Loaded MainMenu.logo in 0.032 seconds
(W) Unable to enable psyco.
(N) Loaded Data.font in 0.001 seconds
(N) Loaded Data.bigFont in 0.000 seconds
(N) Loaded Data.acceptSound in 0.014 seconds
(N) Loaded Data.cancelSound in 0.010 seconds
(N) Loaded Data.screwUpSounds in 0.434 seconds
(N) Loaded Data.selectSound2 in 0.009 seconds
(N) Loaded Data.selectSound3 in 0.016 seconds
(N) Loaded Data.startSound in 0.017 seconds
(N) Loaded Data.selectSound1 in 0.091 seconds
(D) View: Push: MainMenu
(D) View: Push: Menu
[Here, I pressed <up> <return>.]
(D) View: Pop: Menu
(D) View: Pop: MainMenu
(D) View: Pop: Menu
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