Bug#427951: New upstream version 2.3

Reiner Herrmann reiner at reiner-h.de
Thu Jun 7 15:14:54 UTC 2007

Package: nexuiz
Version: 2.2.3-2
Severity: wishlist

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Nexuiz 2.3 has been released with improved performance and other 
improvements and bugfixes.
Would be great if you could provide a Debian package for the new version.

--- System information. ---
Architecture: i386
Kernel:       Linux 2.6.21

Debian Release: lenny/sid
   500 unstable        ftp2.de.debian.org
     1 experimental    ftp2.de.debian.org

--- Package information. ---
Depends                 (Version) | Installed
libc6                  (>= 2.5-5) | 2.5-10
libsdl1.2debian     (>= 1.2.10-1) | 1.2.11-9
nexuiz-data          (>= 2.2.3-1) | 2.2.3-1
libvorbisfile3                    | 1.1.2.dfsg-1.2
libcurl4                          | 7.16.2-4

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