Bug#427579: Song stop playing

David Roguin david at darkspellgames.com
Fri Jun 15 23:17:58 UTC 2007

I have a debian sid amd64

It does happen all the times I've played.

i ran fretsonfire -v, I'll copy here all the (W)arnings

(W) PyOGG not found. OGG files will be fully decoded prior to playing;
expect absurd memory usage.
(W) PyAmanith not found, SVG support disabled.
(W) Unable to enable psyco.
(W) Unable to load guitar track: global name 'StreamingOggSound' is not

Those are the messages that appeared when played the tutorial, I do have
python-ogg installed:

gpkg -l python-pyogg
ii  python-pyogg        1.3-1.1             A Python interface to the
Ogg library


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