Bug#427164: Re: Can't play songs added in .fretsonfire/songs/
giggzounet at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 16:09:17 UTC 2007
Matthew Johnson a écrit :
> On Mon Jun 18 18:38, giggz wrote:
>> 18:33 giggz at debian ~/.fretsonfire % find
>> .
>> ./fretsonfire.log
>> ./songs
>> ./songs/autres
>> ./songs/autres/Inspector Gadget
>> ./songs/autres/Inspector Gadget/song.ini
> <snip>
> I think I see the problem. You have tried to put the songs in
> subdirectories ("autres" etc). However, to do that you have to designate
> the directories as 'libraries'; otherwise it will assume they are songs,
> and try loading autres/song.ini and song.ogg etc.
> You do this by putting a file called library.ini in the directory
> containing a [library] section:
> mjj29 at adonis:/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/songs/fretsonfire $ cat library.ini
> [library]
> name = Frets on Fire Tracks
> If you put one of these files in ~/.fretsonfire/songs/autres/, then it
> should would. Please let me know if this is not the case.
I test that :
put library.ini in ~/.fretsonfire/songs/autres/ with :
name = Autres
and without a directory in /usr/share/games/fretsonfire/songs/ named
When I launch Fretsonfire and go to play the game, I see "browsing
collection" and it freeze. I can't do anything. I must kill the Xserver.
Then I try to create a directory "autres" in
/usr/share/games/fretsonfire/songs/ with the library.ini but without the
songs (which are located in ~/.fretsonfire/songs/autres/).
When I try to play I have a "autres" library and I see the songs located
in autres, but the preview fails : it try to play a song located in
> HTH,
> Matt
> --
> Matthew Johnson
Ah les salauds ! Vous allez finir par me faire passer pour un affreux
jojo, moi qui suis sensible et tendre comme un agneau ;-)
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