Preliminaries remarks on Frets on Fire
Matthew Johnson
debian at
Tue May 22 16:12:13 UTC 2007
On Tue May 22 17:49, Romain Beauxis wrote:
> Hi all !
> First thanks for the hard work on frets, it must have been time consuming..
> Some remarks that could be adressed:
> [ For fretsonfire ]
> * Could you write what have been done to dfsg's the source ? This is very
> helpfull later on if the package has to be handled by another developper for
> instance.. UPDATE: I just noticed it's automatically done in rules... Nice..
> But some rational about the need of dfsg source and instructions in human way
> could be interesting too in a README.Debian-source..
Fair point. I've added one to svn; I'll rebuild the packages later
> * There seems to be a missing dependency on libGL:
> ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> directory
fretsonfire-game depends python-opengl depends xlibmesa-gl depends
libgl1-mesa-glx, which contains /usr/lib/
> * Just to be sure: did you check individual files for copyright ? -- I've not
> done it myself yet :)
When I joined the packaging effort Miriam already had a list of the
licencing issues, I assume she did so during that?
> * Is it really needed the png icon ? I know its ugly and etc, but it's not
> hardwork to convert an icon to xpm, and a lintian-override for that seems a
> bit overkill to me.. I even think that the png icon will be used anyway if
> you ship a .desktop file.. And yea I know menu system is overdated, but it is
> still there actually..
Well, I could. I did once try doing that, but frankly I'd rather have no
icon when png isn't supported; xpms look that bad. And I want a
lintian-override for anything which generates a lintian warning which I
don't think should be fixed (like this).
> * the postinst/postrm that updates the menu should be generated by some
> debhelper call, dh_installmenu for instance.. and it is already done since
> you call it in rules..
> * Many of the install calls in rules may be placed in a .install file, and
> executed by dh_install. It makes the rules script much more readable..
I'll have a look and tidy it up a bit more if I prefer it that way
> I've not checked -songs package for now..
There's not a lot in there to check (-: Again, possibly some of it could
be moved to a .install file.
> I have no additional time now for deeper review, but it would be nice to have
> those issues adressed.. I'm ok to give some hand on the package if you think
> it's interesting, but can't reasonably say I will maintain it.. But a commit
> access to the svn could help uploading it more quickly perhaps..
We're happy maintaining it; we're both in NM, so hope to be DDs soon so
sponsoring hopefully wouldn't be for too long.
Matthew Johnson
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