Additionally, the Java platform has added new capabilities, such as the ability to use scripting languages.

Pol Q. Patrick squ at
Tue May 22 11:34:53 UTC 2007


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Price: 0.36
Target: 0.98
ISIN : US83082R1077
Market: Frankfurt


More importantly, Dynamic Faces leverages the JavaServer Faces component
model to allow you to use Ajax capabilities in a more efficient way.
We want transparent and collaborative development that enables
consistent platform behavior, drives functionality, and ensures the high
quality that will accelerate platform growth. Compliant JSR
implementations will continue to be required to pass the TCKs.
The  Facade pattern defines a higher-level class that encapsulates and
centralizes the interactions between Java Persistence  clients and the
entities and operations of the Java Persistence API. So what does it
take to use jMaki with Dynamic Faces? The converted jMaki-wrapped
widgets are the script.
The Dynamic Faces and jMaki development teams are working to make sure
that all jMaki widgets support Dynamic Faces.
The important lesson to remember is that using the fireAjaxTransaction
function gives you more control over what components in your page
benefit from Ajax.
Open sourcing Java ME now is the best way to ensure that the platform
remains the most compelling platform in the industry for targeting and
developing applications. Using the Dynamic Faces fireAjaxTransaction
Method To execute more precise control over Ajax-related tasks, you can
work with the built-in JavaScript technology library that Dynamic Faces
We need the  community's help to make sure that the Java ME platform
evolves in the right direction and at the pace that the industry wants.
Method binding expressions  bind UI components to action methods so that
a method attached  to a component can execute when that component is
activated. If the user enters a value and clicks the button, the new
value is sent to the server using Ajax so that the model is updated with
the new value.
You can also use the  injected UserTransaction instance to control the
transactions:    .
A value of true indicates that guesses have been attempted.
The ability to add and remove tabs How do you determine the number of
characters in a String?
us in-place editor widget, the Dojo fisheye widget, and the Dojo
inline-editor widget.
They will become more competitive by delivering a differentiated product
to the market sooner.
You can see these jMaki widgets in action in Dynamic Faces applications
in the Project Dynamic Faces and jMaki page.
First, developers will be able to download our Java technology code,
build it, and run applications with it. What kinds of things can a
developer do with open-source Java ME right away? See this reference
page of JavaServer Faces technology extensions to use with Ajax for a
list of all the optional arguments to the fireAjaxTransaction function.
See this reference page of JavaServer Faces technology extensions to use
with Ajax for a list of all the optional arguments to the
fireAjaxTransaction function.
The output text is re-rendered to display a message that includes the
value the user entered into the input field before clicking the button.
Effects on Commercial Licensees How will commercial licenses be
affected? There are several dimensions. For example, a Java Persistence
client such as a servlet, JSP page, or a JSF managed bean, might need to
access  various types of APIs to access entities in the model. This tip
examines a sample application that uses the Java  Persistence API with
the JSF framework. The JCP maintains its critical role as the governing
body for evolving Java technology standards. Also, when the customer
changes the values in one of the other components, the price displayed
for the car also displays without a full-page refresh. This bean has
other methods such as validate, but let's focus on the code that uses
Java  Persistence.
When the render portion of the life cycle is rendering a page that uses
Dynamic Faces, it renders only selected components on the page as a
result of an Ajax request.
These classes give you the ability to add graphics, pop-up menus, and
floating tip functionality to the system tray. When the user enters
something in the input field and clicks the button represented by the
commandButton tag, the following happens: The DynaFaces.
The ability to add an icon to the tab  C. A package that contains the
code for the sample application accompanies the tip. We need the 
community's help to make sure that the Java ME platform evolves in the
right direction and at the pace that the industry wants.
The "before"  example shows the code for a servlet that accesses
entities in  a model tier.
This might involve copying  similar data access logic into each servlet
or managed bean that needs to access the entities. So not only do OEMs
and ODMs have an opportunity to benefit from the Java ME open-source
code base, but so do third-party technology vendors.
If the user presses the "Again" button  after making a correct guess it
implicitly starts a new game.
Sun will continue to offer commercial implementations along with
engineering services and support to fit customer needs. We are eager to
work with the community to meet its needs and will be assessing the best
ways to share information and enhance developer productivity. These
custom implementations defer to the standard implementations for
non-Ajax requests.
The Dynamic Faces and jMaki development teams are working to make sure
that all jMaki widgets support Dynamic Faces.
They give you the ability to add items to the Start menu or the
Test Your Knowledge of Java Technology Skip to Content Java Solaris
Communities Sun Store Join SDN My Profile Why Join? Shale Remoting, in
turn, depends on commons-logging, and therefore you must make
commons-logging available to the application.
In most simple cases, the ajaxZone tag gives page authors what they
To accomplish these tasks, you use the fireAjaxTransaction function.
In fact, the fireAjaxTransaction function allows you to Ajax-enable any
component in your page without requiring you to provide any JavaScript
technology or other code.
You can leverage Project jMaki to wrap your favorite widget in a
JavaServer Faces component.

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