Bug#448991: Update on Attempt

ericzen ericzen at ez-net.com
Sun Nov 4 01:22:03 UTC 2007

Package: wormux

--- Please enter the report below this line. ---

I, too, found that point on their site and gna (regarding an ubuntu 
report).  I did a complete removal (and deleted lingering directories 
(moving the one in my home over). 
I don't have that classics, but that's not the problem.  An attempted 
fresh re-install came to the same problem. 
I was trying to install it via source from their site (after another 
fresh complete removal (+directories) ) and came across an odd problem:  
It can't find libcurl or libxml++, despite me adjusting the individual 
prefix (to match what I knew about the debian environment).  It still 
says it can't find them (I even tried direct and explicit, same choking 
up at libCurl).

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