Bug#435288: planetpenguin-racer: New upstream version of ppracer (0.5) exists for about 2 years !

Stefan Potyra sistpoty at ubuntu.com
Mon Nov 5 17:47:37 UTC 2007


sorry for the very late answer, seems like I missed that mail...

Am Montag 30 Juli 2007 23:59:04 schrieb Alexander Schmehl:
> Hi!
> * Alexander Schmehl <tolimar at debian.org> [070730 23:23]:
> > > Some reasons to ship the newer one:
> > > -0.3.1 won't let you bind non alphanumeric keys, 0.5 does
> >
> > I don't think thats a major problem... it's not that you would have that
> > much functions you need to bin to keys.  Would be nice, but not a major
> > problem, isn't it?
> On further investigation, I think that issue is allready fixed in the
> debian package... isn't that what
> debian/patches/40_fix_keyboard_config.diff is for, Stefan?

Right, this is indeed fixed since 0.3.1-6, cf. bug #344697 [1].

[1]: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=344697
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