Bug#452407: freecol: allow j2re1.6 as alternative java dependency
Björn Krombholz
fox.box at gmail.com
Thu Nov 22 19:45:30 UTC 2007
On Nov 22, 2007 6:09 PM, Cyril Brulebois
<cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr> wrote:
> On 22/11/2007, Björn Krombholz wrote:
> > I'm using java-package generated JRE/JDK packages on my systems which
> > (for Java 6, package: sun-j2sdk1.6) provide j2re1.6/j2sdk1.6, but not
> > sun-java6-jre as required by version 0.7.2-2 of the freecol package.
> What about sun-java6-jdk? (I'm quite new to java-related stuff, and only
> keeping an eye from far away.)
For most people it's fine to use the package from the debian rep. But
this one is relatively new and i've been using java-package for years
now. I'm doing a lot of java development and use a lot of different
JDKs not only from sun. So for me it's just more convenient to use
java-package. Additionally I also want to avoid possible packaging
bugs that might occur with the debian package. :)
> > Please allow me to use the java-package JRE/JDK deb (which works fine
> > with freecol) by adding a dependency alternative 'j2re1.6'.
> Doesn't this package Provides: some packages, that might be better
> (read: more generic) for us to require? (dpkg --info on the .deb should
> tell you).
Yep, the "j2re1.6" already is the most generic "Provides:". It's even
more generic than the current dependeny on sun-java6-jdk which only
includes Sun JDK/JREs.
There's probably some kind of Java policy in Debian and I guess it's a
problem with the sun-java6-jre/sun-java6-jdk that should add a
"Provides:" for a virtual JRE 1.6/JDK 1.6 package.
The complete list for the java-package generated Sun Java 6 JDK is
Package: sun-j2sdk1.6
Provides: java-virtual-machine, java-runtime, java2-runtime,
java-browser-plugin, java-compiler, java2-compiler, j2sdk1.6, j2re1.6
and the related Debian JDK:
Package: sun-java6-jdk
Provides: java-compiler, java2-compiler
+ from the dependency on the jre package:
Package: sun-java6-jre
Provides: java-virtual-machine, java2-runtime, java1-runtime
@Vincent: Thx for the quick fix. :)
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