Bug#446715: Could not load 18pt font font.ttf

Arieh Skliarouk skliarieh at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 03:32:55 UTC 2007

Package: qonk
Version: 0.3.0-1

I tried to start qonk and saw following problem:

$ qonk
This is qonk 0.3.0
(c) 2003 Anthony Liekens
(c) 2007 Qonk development team
This game is free software released under the GNU General Public License,
either version 2 of the license or, at your option, any later version.
configuration was not available - using defaults
Could not load 18pt font font.ttf from the following directories:

$ dpkg -l | grep ttf-bitstream-vera
ii  ttf-bitstream-vera               1.10-7                     The
Bitstream Vera family of free TrueType f

$ md5sum /usr/share/games/qonk/font.ttf
37d8aff129ecd7d3fc495b7239f834db  /usr/share/games/qonk/font.ttf


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