Bug#440137: The bug seems to be in libglu, not in cultivation

Miriam Ruiz little.miry at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 08:20:37 UTC 2007

severity 440137 normal
reassign 440137 libglu1-mesa

During the tests we carried out to find out what was the problem with
cultivation, we noticed that it seems to be related to the latest upgrade in
libglu. The attached proof-of-concept program works OK in previous versions
of Debian, but it doesn't teem to work in SID anymore, so we're convinced
that the problem itself is in glu. We've made a quick hack to Cultivation so
that at least the package is still usable, but this bug might also affect
other programs. Please have a look at it.

Please ask whatever else you need to know.

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