Bug#440488: fretsonfire: segfaults as soon as it tries to play a song

Andreas Henriksson andreas at fatal.se
Mon Sep 3 18:49:45 UTC 2007

I've just played some frets on fire and noticed that, not always but
often, after *finishing* a level I get the same or similar segfault in

gem at amd64:/tmp/fof$ fretsonfire 
Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation Fault
/usr/games/fretsonfire: line 4: 18217 Aborted                 ./FretsOnFire.py "$@"
gem at amd64:/tmp/fof$ ls
gem at amd64:/tmp/fof$ ulimit -c
gem at amd64:/tmp/fof$ ulimit -c unlimited
gem at amd64:/tmp/fof$ ulimit -c
gem at amd64:/tmp/fof$ fretsonfire 
Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation Fault
/usr/games/fretsonfire: line 4: 18391 Aborted                 ./FretsOnFire.py "$@"
gem at amd64:/tmp/fof$ ulimit -c
gem at amd64:/tmp/fof$ ls
gem at amd64:/tmp/fof$ 

Unfortunately I haven't been able to get a core dump to analyze. If
someone has suggestions on how to debug this I could try. Additionally
this looks like a problem in some library written in C (pygame?) rather
then in fretsonfire itself, since it's a segfault and not a python

Andreas Henriksson

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