a game for sdlbasic

Miriam Ruiz little_miry at yahoo.es
Wed Apr 2 16:54:04 UTC 2008

--- Paulo Silva <nitrofurano at gmail.com> escribió:

> http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/6394/sdlbugdz9.png
> it's from the http://sdlbasic.sf.net game repository

As a quick comment, I see that there are some graphic characters in the text
in the screenshot. Is there any handling of translations and
internationalizations of games in sdlbasic? Is there support of UTF8, Unicode
or any way of showing non-ASCII characters? That would be quite useful and
important :)

Jens Seidel added support for gettext and UTF8 in messages to hex-a-hop some
months ago through sdlpango, maybe that would be a way, if there isn't


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