Some Questions due to packaging of freesynd

Moritz Muehlenhoff jmm at
Wed Apr 2 19:01:35 UTC 2008

Miriam Ruiz wrote:
>> I wrote you because i don't know if i can upload my package on alioth ?
>> The game using some non free data (map/tiles/music) because the right of 
>> bullfrog are not in public domain?
>> My package is composed only of source code of freesynd engine which are 
>> licencied by GPL. I'm explaining to final user how to play with the game 
>>   with a procedure to install manually the original data in a specific 
>> directory.

Tuduri, has freesynd become more usable? Last time I checked (I filed the initial
ITP, which has been closed in the mean time), it was a tech demo with
the fist level being somewhat walkable, but not actually playable. And
I'm not seeing major commits since the last eight months in WebSVN, has
development stopped?

> I understand that the license allows at least the redistribution, doesn't it?
> If the limitations are only that it is allowed for non commercial purposes,
> there's nothing illegal about uploading it to mentors. If there are other
> limitations, it might depend on the actual text. Do you have an URL where the
> license can be read?

The license of the re-engineered engine is GPL, the game data is the 
game data from the _original_ game, so definitely not distributable in
any way whatsoever.


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