Bug#477397: closed by Bruno Kleinert <fuddl at tauware.de> ()

Filipus Klutiero chealer at gmail.com
Thu Apr 24 16:55:09 UTC 2008

Le April 24, 2008 06:43:28 am Bruno Kleinert, vous avez écrit :
> Am Mittwoch, den 23.04.2008, 17:28 -0400 schrieb Filipus Klutiero:
> > I disagree. I didn't know that id games used Shift+Esc nowadays, thanks
> > for pointing that. Nevertheless, if Nexuiz supports Shift+Esc, that means
> > it has 3 default keys to enter console, and each one of the three should
> > work. For backquote, I actually have no key that generates it directly -
> > I have to press a key twice with my keyboard layout, so this is not
> > necessarily a Nexuiz bug. But tilde clearly doesn't work. I think this is
> > because my keyboard layout requires a key combination to generate a
> > tilde. I'm unable to set any action to tilde, it just sets to "ALT"
> > (since I need to press Alt+;). So, nexuiz should either support key
> > combinations, or not use characters which can be generated by key
> > combinations by default.
> >
> > If you agree, please reopen this report.
> sorry, i really see no strong reason to change anything about this
> issue. shift+esc works on every keyboard layout without any differences
> among different layouts and this keyboard shortcut can be found in the
> documentation of nexuiz and also in README.Debian. if the undocumented
> keys work for a limited range of users, those are for the lucky ones,
> but these keys still are neither documented nor suggested to be used by
> me, nor by upstream!
Yes, but nexuiz itself (the program) suggests to use these. And since it 
doesn't suggest Shift+Esc, that's what people are most likely to try. 
Shift+Esc seems to be hardcoded, but AFAICS hardcoded keys 
aren't "documented" in nexuiz. Do you agree?

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