Bug#493025: Proposal: change menu entry from vegastrike to vsinstall

Andres Mejia mcitadel at gmail.com
Sat Aug 2 20:11:02 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 30 July 2008 04:10:18 pm Siegfried Gevatter (RainCT) wrote:
> Package: vegastrike
> Severity: wishlist
> Hi,
> I want to suggest changing the menu so that it starts "vsinstall"
> instead of "vegastrike", as the first one will allow the user to
> configure the application the first time it's run and then launch it
> (and on further runs, when it has already been configured, start
> vegastrike directly).
> Kinds Regards,

This is already done with the version of vegastrike in unstable. There's two 
menus actually, one that runs vsinstall, and another that runs vsinstall to 
launch the setup.

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