Clear up wormux packaging license

Eddy Petrișor eddy.petrisor at
Sat Aug 23 08:39:04 UTC 2008


(Note that there is a different mail that starts with a similar paragraph, so please read both).

Today I was working a little on the wormux package and I 'borrowed' MadCoder's refresh-patches 
mechanism from the tokyocabinet package (seen it in MadCoder's packaging with git presentation).

While checking the license terms/incompatibilities I saw that packaging was BSD licensed (cool). So 
I went on and, with the intention of mentioning the transplant in the debian/copyright, started 
modifying the debian/copyright file to be automatically parsable. Then I was struck by the fact that 
we haven't explicitly licensed the wormux packaging, so I was unable to do properly the modification.

I would like to clear up the licensing terms for wormux' packaging, and I was thinking that a BSD 
license for it would be the best[1].

Do you agree with us licensing the packaging with a BSD license?

If not, do you think 'GPL-2 or later' would be acceptable (this being the same as the wormux package 

[1] since MadCoder's code was also BSD licensed
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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