Bug#488330: freecol: Freecol puts log file in local dir

Vincent Fourmond fourmond at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 07:36:22 UTC 2008

forwarded 488330 http://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=5109538
tag 488330 + fixed-upstream


Dirk Van Hertem wrote:
> Freecol puts a file named FreeCol.log in your current directory, which is not needed. 
> I think it would be better if it were to be placed in ~/.FreeCol/
> or so.

  I have forwarded (quite some time ago, actually) this to upstream, who
reportedly fixed it in their SVN repository. This should be in the next
stable release of freecol, I believe.



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Vincent, not listening to anything for now

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