Bug#508318: Should ketm be removed?

Richard Hartmann richih.mailinglist at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 08:17:02 UTC 2008

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 01:29, Ansgar Burchardt <ansgar at 2008.43-1.org> wrote:

>  * no fun, unfinished.  The README even says:

It _is_ a bit pointless, but on the plus side it's easy enough that
small children can play it. Does not seem to have sound, tough.

> If noone objects, I will change this to a removal request later.

I need to run now, but are there any open bugs filed against it?
If yes, fixing them is probably not worth it. If not, I don't think
it needs to go just so it's gone.


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