Processed (with 5 errors): it's a python-ctypes issue :(
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at
Wed Dec 24 23:21:07 UTC 2008
Processing commands for control at
> reassign 509623 python-ctypes 1.0.2-5
Bug#509623: fretsonfire does not start
Bug reassigned from package `fretsonfire' to `python-ctypes'.
> retitle 509623 python-ctypes misses dependency on binutils
Bug#509623: fretsonfire does not start
Changed Bug title to `python-ctypes misses dependency on binutils' from `fretsonfire does not start'.
> clone 509623 -1
Bug#509623: python-ctypes misses dependency on binutils
Bug 509623 cloned as bug 509697.
> reassign -1 python2.5 2.5.2-14
Bug#509697: python-ctypes misses dependency on binutils
Bug reassigned from package `python-ctypes' to `python2.5'.
> retitle -1 python2.5 misses dependency on binutils
Bug#509697: python-ctypes misses dependency on binutils
Changed Bug title to `python2.5 misses dependency on binutils' from `python-ctypes misses dependency on binutils'.
> python-ctypes/python2.5 uses objdump in ctypes/ but does not
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> declare a dependency on binutils, which contains objdump.
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> This leads to the fact, that one can't load libs when binutils are not
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> installed (see #509623, #453287).
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> Regards
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
Too many unknown commands, stopping here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
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