r5805 - packages/trunk/warsow/debian

Alexander Schmehl tolimar at debian.org
Sun Feb 17 16:32:20 UTC 2008


* Andres Mejia <ceros-guest at alioth.debian.org> [080217 16:55]:

> +get-orig-source:
> +	$(dir $_)warsow-get-orig-source
> +

As allready discused on -mentors:  This get-orig-source IS NOT doing,
what it should according to policy 4.9, so it is a serious bug:

"This target fetches the _most recent version_ of the original source
package from a canonical archive site [..]".

get-orig-source is not meant to be called to create the same tarball as
you allready have (that could be done with a simple wget, wouldn't it?).
It is even possible, that this target causes problems, since it might
create tarball, which contains the same files, but due to inclusion of
timestamps or whatever with different checksums.

So I wonder what the purpuse of such a get-orig-source is?

Yours sincerely,

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