Bug#461659: warsow: New version of warsow possibly non-distributable.

Vincent Fourmond fourmond at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 21:56:27 UTC 2008


Andres Mejia wrote:
>    2. Terms defined in this Article, and parenthetically elsewhere,
> shall throughout this License have the meanings here and there
> provided. Defined terms may be used in the singular or plural.
> Definitions:
>       � The "Material", below, refers to any such material or work,
> and a "work based on the Material" means either the Material or any
> Derivative Work under copyright law.
>       � "Derivative Work" shall mean a work containing the Material or
> a portion of it, such as a revision, modification, enhancement,
> adaptation, translation (including compilation or recompilation by
> computer), abridgement, condensation, expansion, or any other form in
> which such preexisting works may be recast, transformed, or adapted,
> and that, if prepared without authorization of the owner of the
> copyright in such preexisting work, would constitute a copyright
> infringement.
>       � Each licensee is addressed as "you".
>    3. You may not copy, modify, publish, transmit, sell, participate
> in the transfer or sale or reproduce, create Derivative Works from,
> distribute, perform, display or in any way exploit any of the Material
> released under this License unless expressly permitted by the Warsow
> Team.
>    4. You may freely distribute the Warsow archive/installer
> unmodified on any media. You may re-compress using different archival
> formats suitable for your OS (i.e. zip/tgz/rpm/deb/dmg), any changes
> beyond that require explicit permission of the Chasseur de bots
> association.
> Clause 3 of this license goes against clauses 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8 of the
> Open Source Definition (and thus the DFSG). This to me most likely
> makes the new version of warsow unsuitable for distribution through
> Debian.

  Completely agree. That also excludes distributing in non-free, because
'modification' includes compilation according to clause 2. So its either
a binary repackaged blurb or nothing. Better it be nothing. You probably
should tag the new upstream version bug as wontfix.

  Pity !


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