Bug#478789: Vegastrike 0.5.0 Released

Vincent Fourmond fourmond at debian.org
Sat Jul 19 17:01:57 UTC 2008

  Hello !

Leo 'costela' Antunes wrote:
> Checking the work on[0], I haven't found any conclusion to the 0.5.0 saga.
> Do you guys still need a hand with anything? I'm not sure how much time
> I could devote to helping, but if there's still some source splitting to
> be done, perhaps I could help.
> What is the final verdict on the source and binary packages? And the
> removal of the upstream copy of libboost?

  The following is my opinion only. In its current state, vegastrike
will not make it into lenny; it has a RC bug which needs an upgrade to
the newer version. The opinion of the ftpmasters on the current
vegastrike-data is that it is insanely huge - we don't want mirrors to
waste 1 GB of disk space for a package with a popcon score of 200.

  The only way now to get it into lenny (freeze is starting pretty soon
now) is to manage somehow to produce a lighter version of the
vegastrike-data package - a source tarball of around 200MB to 250MB
would be acceptable. If you feel like doing that, please do it very
quickly and have a look at the thread there:


  You might want to downscale some of the textures in order to make them
smaller. In this case, you might find the gimp-dds package of use.

  If you manage to produce a lighter version of vegastrike-data for the
0.5 version that works with vegastrike 0.5 in SVN, please contact me as
soon as possible, I'll upload it.


	Vincent, who's unfortunately way too busy to take care of that himself.

Vincent Fourmond, Debian Developer

The moon was high now, in a sky as black as a cup of coffee that
wasn't very black at all.
 -- Terry Pratchet, Men at arms

Vincent, listening to Mercy Street (Peter Gabriel)

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