Bug#467307: stormbaan coureur too hard

Bram Stolk b.stolk at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 05:46:21 UTC 2008

I am the upstream author of this game.
I agree it is too difficult.

I just released 2.1.2 which is somewhat easier, as the track has been
Also, the simulation has been improved.
But the nr of obstacles is the same.

I will think about multiple tracks. However, it will be a while before I
will get that in.

Maybe a detour around the obstacles would work.
You could then skip those that are too hard.
Skipping one should come with a time penalty.

Oh, and lastly: it may be too difficult, but it is not impossible.
People were able to set fast times on the leaderboard with 2.1.1
I erased the leaderboard, and can keep an eye on new scores with 2.1.2
Game versions before 2.1.2 will not have their time recorded anymore.

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