Bug#481558: Error during the build process of ceferino

Miguel Angel Ruiz Manzano mruiz at ubuntu.com
Sat May 17 00:51:29 UTC 2008

Package: ceferino
Version: 10.97.8-2

During the build process (i386) of the version 0.97.8-2 I got this error:

autopoint: *** infrastructure files for version 0.16.1 not found; this
is autopoint from GNU gettext-tools 0.17
autopoint: *** Stop.
make: *** [config.status] Error 1
dpkg-buildpackage: failure: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2
pbuilder: Failed autobuilding of package
 -> Aborting with an error
 -> unmounting dev/pts filesystem
 -> unmounting proc filesystem
 -> cleaning the build env
    -> removing directory /var/cache/pbuilder/build//6022 and its

Also I'm attaching the pbuilder build log url [1]

It would be great if the maintainer could take a look of this situation.

Thanks in advance,

[1] http://mruiz.openminds.cl/misc/ceferino_0.97.8-2.build

Miguel Angel Ruiz Manzano                      http://mruiz.openminds.cl
Ubuntu Member              		       http://www.ubuntu-cl.org

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