Bug#481780: 3dchess: wrong Vcs-Svn field (I think)

Giovanni Mascellani g.mascellani at gmail.com
Sun May 18 13:51:02 UTC 2008

Package: 3dchess
Version: 0.8.1-14
Severity: normal

--- Please enter the report below this line. ---
I think your Vcs-Svn field in debian/control isn't correct.

Vcs-Svn: ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-games/packages/trunk/3dchess/

"svn co ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-games/packages/trunk/3dchess/"
doesn't work for me, because you need "svn://..." and not "ssh://...".
I believe the control field should be updated.

Thank you, Giovanni.

--- System information. ---
Architecture: i386
Kernel:       Linux 2.6.25-1-686

Debian Release: lenny/sid
  500 unstable        www.debian-multimedia.org 
  500 unstable        ftp.it.debian.org 
  500 testing         security.debian.org 
  500 testing         ftp.it.debian.org 
  500 stable          ftp.it.debian.org 

--- Package information. ---
Depends         (Version) | Installed
libc6          (>= 2.7-1) | 2.7-11
libx11-6                  | 2:1.0.3-7
libxext6                  | 2:1.0.4-1
libxmu6                   | 2:1.0.4-1
libxpm4                   | 1:3.5.7-1
libxt6                    | 1:1.0.5-3
xaw3dg       (>= 1.5+E-1) | 1.5+E-15

Giovanni Mascellani <g.mascellani at gmail.com>
Pisa, Italy

Web: http://giomasce.altervista.org
SIP: g.mascellani at ekiga.net
Jabber: g.mascellani at jabber.org / giovanni at elabor.homelinux.org
GPG: 0x5F1FBF70 (FP: 1EB6 3D43 E201 4DDF 67BD  003F FCB0 BB5C 5F1F BF70)
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