Bug#471239: More information about a bug

Jiří Paleček jpalecek at web.de
Mon May 26 14:52:57 UTC 2008


I have investigated this bug further, and found out:

  - Turning fog of war off made the game playable, but still not as fast as  
on Windows. I don't know how could this affect things like transferring  
cargo in Europe, I think it shouldn't. The speedup came from the fact that  
my graphics cannot do alpha blending.

  - The context switches are still occurring. I captured a strace of that  
behaviour, see attachment. It seems to be using some monitor to launch  
code in another thread (Swing...invokeAndWait?). BTW, if you count context  
switches in that piece, there are ~7000 csw/second.

     Jiri Palecek
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