Bug#481017: Severe

Bruno Kleinert fuddl at tauware.de
Fri May 30 22:44:57 UTC 2008

Am Freitag, den 30.05.2008, 12:49 -0500 schrieb Luke:
> The current download of Nexuiz is useless for online play, as servers
> require you to have 2.4.2 now. Please update.

i know there's a new release available, it's packaged in our debian
games team repository and waiting for my o.k. to be sponsored.

it took a bit longer to package this new release, because someone
contacted me via private emails with about improvements for debian's
nexuiz packages. also i noted that the nexuiz-data (source)package
needed some improvements.

sorry for the delay, i think the new packages will make it into the
archive within the next week.

cheers - fuddl
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