Bug#501116: FATAL: ssgInit called without a valid OpenGL context when Xorg/DefaultDepth = 16

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Sun Oct 5 10:58:30 UTC 2008

OoO Pendant  le temps de midi  du dimanche 05 octobre  2008, vers 12:05,
Salokine Terata <salokine.terata at free.fr> disait :

> ~$ supertuxkart
> Data files will be fetched from: '/usr/share/games/supertuxkart/'
> Config file '/home/XXX/.supertuxkart/config' does not exist, it will be created.
> Highscores will be saved in '/home/XXX/.supertuxkart/highscore.data'.
> FATAL: ssgInit called without a valid OpenGL context.
> AL lib: ALc.c:1302: exit() 1 device(s) and 1 context(s) NOT deleted
> AL lib: alSource.c:2291: alcDestroyContext(): 18 Source(s) NOT deleted
> AL lib: alBuffer.c:1097: exit() 18 Buffer(s) NOT deleted

> ==> I found !
> My Xserver is configure with DefaultDepth = 16bit. I switch to 24 and supertuxkart works.

> ~$ grep DefaultDepth /etc/X11/xorg.conf
>         DefaultDepth    24
>         #DefaultDepth   16

> So this  bug could  be rename "FATAL:  ssgInit called without  a valid
> OpenGL context when Xorg/DefaultDepth = 16"


It seems that this bug was already reported and reappears time to time:

Could you try to compile this program:
BOFH excuse #292:
We ran out of dial tone and we're and waiting for the phone company to deliver another bottle.
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