Bug#500496: mu-cade: Error "fire_buffer: DRM_VIA_PCICMD returned -22" after a few seconds of game
Sylvain Beucler
beuc at beuc.net
Sun Sep 28 20:09:50 UTC 2008
Package: mu-cade
Version: 0.11.dfsg1-2
Severity: important
The game starts fine, I press the Shot button as directed, I can then play for about 1 entire second (controls are functionnal) and then the games
quits with this output on the terminal:
$ mu-cade
Load BulletML: barmorph/slidewhip.xml
Load BulletML: barmorph/whip.xml
Load BulletML: barmorph/baraccel.xml
Load BulletML: barmorph/bar.xml
Load BulletML: barmorph/slidebaraccel.xml
Load BulletML: barmorph/slidebar.xml
Load BulletML: waymorph/round.xml
Load BulletML: waymorph/nway.xml
Load BulletML: waymorph/decnway.xml
Load BulletML: waymorph/accnway.xml
Load BulletML: basic/sideoneway.xml
Load BulletML: basic/side.xml
Load BulletML: basic/straight.xml
Load bgm: mcd3.ogg
Load bgm: mcd4.ogg
Load bgm: mcd2.ogg
Load bgm: mcd1.ogg
Load SE: shot.wav
Load SE: hit.wav
Load SE: bullethit.wav
Load SE: destroyed.wav
Load SE: addtail.wav
Load SE: breaktail.wav
Load SE: enhancedshot.wav
Load SE: shipdestroyed.wav
Load SE: extend.wav
0000: 440f9d1f 429e4a8e 3f7e1ed0 1e030306
0010: 44115250 42fb8614 3f7e1182 1e030306
0020: 4413a14c 426d3130 3f7dff86 1e030306
0030: 44115250 42fb8614 3f7e1182 1e030306
0040: 4415c684 42e361ce 3f7deed0 1e030306
0050: 4413a14c 426d3130 3f7dff86 1e030306
0060: 441706bc 429e3580 3f7dbbd0 1e030306
0070: 44210000 429e3580 3f7dbbd0 1e030306
0080: 441aa6b6 4267bdec 3f7d8cd0 1e030306
0090: 44210000 429e3580 3f7dbbd0 1e030306
00a0: 44210000 4267bdec 3f7d8cd0 1e030306
00b0: 441aa6b6 4267bdec 3f7d8cd0 1e030306
00c0: 441caf1b 42aea7b8 3f7db8fe 1e030306
00d0: 44210000 429663c6 3f7d9760 1e030306
00e0: 441b09f8 42480000 3f7dc5cf 1e030306
00f0: 44210000 429663c6 3f7d9760 1e030306
0100: 44210000 42480000 3f7d9760 1e030306
0110: 441b09f8 42480000 3f7dc5cf 1e030306
0120: 441f4496 4289899c 3f7da4de 1e030306
0130: 440f1282 42fb2a96 3f7e2306 1e030306
0140: 44210000 427ac540 3f7d9760 1e030306
0150: 440f1282 42fb2a96 3f7e2306 1e030306
0160: 44125d28 42e4128c 3f7e0963 1e030306
0170: 44210000 427ac540 3f7d9760 1e030306
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0190: 44210000 427ac540 3f7d9760 1e030306
01a0: 44210000 427ac540 3f7d9760 1e030306
01b0: 440df2f7 42bba172 3f7e2bc6 1e030306
01c0: 44111e9d 42a1abe2 3f7e1314 1e030306
01d0: 4418a6d8 42480000 3f7dd867 1e030306
01e0: 44111e9d 42a1abe2 3f7e1314 1e030306
01f0: 4418a6d8 42480000 3f7dd867 1e030306
0200: 4418a6d8 42480000 3f7dd867 1e030306
0210: 440ee5c0 42cef654 3f7df1f2 12010103
0220: 44210000 42cef654 3f7df1f2 12010103
0230: 44116c18 42a8b598 3f7dc77a 12010103
0240: 44210000 42cef654 3f7df1f2 12010103
0250: 44210000 42a8b598 3f7dc77a 12010103
0260: 44116c18 42a8b598 3f7dc77a 12010103
0270: 440daa7e 4289fc40 3f7dfc8a 12010103
0280: 440fc5ce 42480000 3f7dd867 12010103
0290: 44210000 4289fc40 3f7dfc8a 12010103
02a0: 440fc5ce 42480000 3f7dd867 12010103
02b0: 44210000 42480000 3f7dd867 12010103
02c0: 44210000 4289fc40 3f7dfc8a 12010103
02d0: 4413a14c 426d3130 3f7dff86 12010103
02e0: 4415c684 42e361ce 3f7deed0 12010103
02f0: 44157472 42480000 3f7df14e 12010103
0300: 4415c684 42e361ce 3f7deed0 12010103
0310: 441b7543 42c61cae 3f7dc28c 12010103
0320: 44157472 42480000 3f7df14e 12010103
0330: 441b7543 42c61cae 3f7dc28c 12010103
0340: 44195877 42480004 3f7dd300 12010103
0350: 44157472 42480000 3f7df14e 12010103
0360: 441aa6b6 4267bdec 3f7d8cd0 12010103
0370: 44210000 4267bdec 3f7d8cd0 12010103
0380: 441bdbbe 42480000 3f7d7b31 12010103
0390: 44210000 4267bdec 3f7d8cd0 12010103
03a0: 44210000 42480000 3f7d7b31 12010103
03b0: 441bdbbe 42480000 3f7d7b31 12010103
03c0: 44125d28 42e4128c 3f7e0963 12010103
03d0: 4416330e 42c9298a 3f7deb82 12010103
03e0: 44210000 427ac540 3f7d9760 12010103
03f0: 4416330e 42c9298a 3f7deb82 12010103
0400: 44210000 427ac540 3f7d9760 12010103
0410: 44210000 427ac540 3f7d9760 12010103
0420: 44111e9d 42a1abe2 3f7e1314 12010103
0430: 4414ce6e 42837c24 3f7df65c 12010103
0440: 4418a6d8 42480000 3f7dd867 12010103
0450: 4414ce6e 42837c24 3f7df65c 12010103
0460: 4418a6d8 42480000 3f7dd868 12010103
0470: 4418a6d8 42480000 3f7dd867 12010103
0480: 44116c18 42a8b598 3f7dc77a 0b010102
0490: 44210000 42a8b598 3f7dc77a 0b010102
04a0: 44132a6a 42878744 3f7da2a3 0b010102
04b0: 44210000 42a8b598 3f7dc77a 0b010102
04c0: 44210000 42878744 3f7da2a3 0b010102
04d0: 44132a6a 42878744 3f7da2a3 0b010102
04e0: 441b7543 42c61cae 3f7dc28c 0b010102
04f0: 442071bc 42adff70 3f7d9bb4 0b010102
0500: 44195877 42480004 3f7dd300 0b010102
0510: 442071bc 42adff70 3f7d9bb4 0b010102
0520: 441ebb7c 42480000 3f7da90a 0b010102
0530: 44195877 42480004 3f7dd300 0b010102
0540: 4416330e 42c9298a 3f7deb82 0b010102
0550: 4419322c 42b42370 3f7dd42a 0b010102
0560: 44210000 427ac540 3f7d9760 0b010102
0570: 4419322c 42b42370 3f7dd42a 0b010102
0580: 44210000 427ac540 3f7d9760 0b010102
0590: 44210000 427ac540 3f7d9760 0b010102
05a0: 4414ce6e 42837c24 3f7df65c 0b010102
05b0: 4417ae54 4257e590 3f7ddff8 0b010102
05c0: 4418a6d8 42480000 3f7dd868 0b010102
05d0: 4417ae54 4257e590 3f7ddff8 0b010102
05e0: 4418a6d8 42480000 3f7dd867 0b010102
05f0: 4418a6d8 42480000 3f7dd868 0b010102
0600: 44132a6a 42878744 3f7da2a3 07000001
0610: 44210000 42878744 3f7da2a3 07000001
0620: 4414723e 42480000 3f7d7b30 07000001
0630: 44210000 42878744 3f7da2a3 07000001
0640: 44210000 42480000 3f7d7b30 07000001
0650: 4414723e 42480000 3f7d7b30 07000001
0660: 442071bc 42adff70 3f7d9bb4 07000001
0670: 44210000 42ab8560 3f7d9761 07000001
0680: 441ebb7c 42480000 3f7da90a 07000001
0690: 44210000 42ab8560 3f7d9761 07000001
06a0: 44210000 42480000 3f7d9760 07000001
06b0: 441ebb7c 42480000 3f7da90a 07000001
06c0: 4419322c 42b42370 3f7dd42a 07000001
06d0: 441c6614 429daaf2 3f7dbb38 07000001
06e0: 44210000 427ac540 3f7d9760 07000001
06f0: 441c6614 429daaf2 3f7dbb38 07000001
0700: 44210000 427ac540 3f7d9760 07000001
0710: 44210000 427ac540 3f7d9760 07000001
0720: 4417ae54 4257e590 3f7ddff8 07000001
0730: 4418a6d8 42480000 3f7dd867 07000001
0740: 4418a6d8 42480000 3f7dd867 07000001
0750: f210f110 00010000 00018402 43ffffff
0760: 44000cff 103f1100 11000001 12230a20
0770: 15000000 23000000 24000000 34010020
0780: 35000148 36010410 37000244 38000000
0790: 39000000 3a000000 3b000000 3c000000
07a0: 3d000000 3e000000 7b000000 cccccccc
07b0: f210f110 00010000 70032212 71004284
07c0: 402c1500 41000001 7c000000 42090a20
07d0: f210f110 00010000 cccccccc dddddddd
07e0: f210f110 00000000 ec007400 ee021000
07f0: 44043146 4323bfea 3f7e77c8 ff000008
0800: 44150016 4323bfea 3f7e77c8 ff000008
0810: 44036d13 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 ff000008
0820: 44150016 4323bfea 3f7e77c8 ff000008
0830: 4413fb78 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 ff000008
0840: 44036d13 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 ff000008
0850: 440b23ad 430b6145 3f7e41aa ff000008
0860: 441e3a62 430b6145 3f7e41aa ff000008
0870: 440a2720 42dab6a4 3f7e4959 ff000008
0880: 441e3a62 430b6145 3f7e41aa ff000008
0890: 441ceaea 42dab6a4 3f7e4959 ff000008
08a0: 440a2720 42dab6a4 3f7e4959 ff000008
08b0: 44043146 4323bfea 3f7e77c8 ff000008
08c0: 44150016 4323bfea 3f7e77c8 ff000008
08d0: 440b23ad 430b6145 3f7e41aa ff000008
08e0: 44150016 4323bfea 3f7e77c8 ff000008
08f0: 441e3a62 430b6145 3f7e41aa ff000008
0900: 440b23ad 430b6145 3f7e41aa ff000008
0910: 44036d13 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 ff000008
0920: 4413fb78 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 ff000008
0930: 440a2720 42dab6a4 3f7e4959 ff000008
0940: 4413fb78 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 ff000008
0950: 441ceaea 42dab6a4 3f7e4959 ff000008
0960: 440a2720 42dab6a4 3f7e4959 ff000008
0970: 44043146 4323bfea 3f7e77c8 ff000008
0980: 44036d13 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 ff000008
0990: 440b23ad 430b6145 3f7e41aa ff000008
09a0: 44036d13 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 ff000008
09b0: 440a2720 42dab6a4 3f7e4959 ff000008
09c0: 440b23ad 430b6145 3f7e41aa ff000008
09d0: 44150016 4323bfea 3f7e77c8 ff000008
09e0: 4413fb78 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 ff000008
09f0: 441e3a62 430b6145 3f7e41aa ff000008
0a00: 4413fb78 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 ff000008
0a10: 441ceaea 42dab6a4 3f7e4959 ff000008
0a20: 441e3a62 430b6145 3f7e41aa ff000008
0a30: ee121300 f210f110 00010000 00018402
0a40: 43ffffff 44000cff 103f1100 11000001
0a50: 12230a20 15000000 23000000 24000000
0a60: 34010020 35000154 36010410 37000264
0a70: 38000000 39000000 3a000000 3b000000
0a80: 3c000000 3d000000 3e000000 7b000000
0a90: f210f110 00010000 cccccccc dddddddd
0aa0: f210f110 00000000 ec017400 ee011000
0ab0: 44043146 4323bfea 3f7e77c8 fffcfcfc
0ac0: 440c98ae 4323bfea 3f7e77c8 ff7e7e7e
0ad0: 440c98ae 4323bfea 3f7e77c8 ff7e7e7e
0ae0: 44150016 4323bfea 3f7e77c8 fffcfcfc
0af0: 44150016 4323bfea 3f7e77c8 fffcfcfc
0b00: 44147ccb 4316389f 3f7e7ac8 ff7e7e7e
0b10: 44147ccb 4316389f 3f7e7ac8 ff7e7e7e
0b20: 4413fb78 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 fffcfcfc
0b30: 4413fb78 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 fffcfcfc
0b40: 440bb445 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 ff7e7e7e
0b50: 440bb445 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 ff7e7e7e
0b60: 44036d13 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 fffcfcfc
0b70: 44036d13 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 fffcfcfc
0b80: 4403ce6f 4316389f 3f7e7ac8 ff7e7e7e
0b90: 4403ce6f 4316389f 3f7e7ac8 ff7e7e7e
0ba0: 44043146 4323bfea 3f7e77c8 fffcfcfc
0bb0: 440b23ad 430b6145 3f7e41aa fffcfcfc
0bc0: 4414af08 430b6145 3f7e41aa ff7e7e7e
0bd0: 4414af08 430b6145 3f7e41aa ff7e7e7e
0be0: 441e3a62 430b6145 3f7e41aa fffcfcfc
0bf0: 441e3a62 430b6145 3f7e41aa fffcfcfc
0c00: 441d9136 42f87ad2 3f7e458a ff7e7e7e
0c10: 441d9136 42f87ad2 3f7e458a ff7e7e7e
0c20: 441ceaea 42dab6a4 3f7e4959 fffcfcfc
0c30: 441ceaea 42dab6a4 3f7e4959 fffcfcfc
0c40: 44138904 42dab6a4 3f7e4959 ff7e7e7e
0c50: 44138904 42dab6a4 3f7e4959 ff7e7e7e
0c60: 440a2720 42dab6a4 3f7e4959 fffcfcfc
0c70: 440a2720 42dab6a4 3f7e4959 fffcfcfc
0c80: 440aa452 42f87ad2 3f7e458a ff7e7e7e
0c90: 440aa452 42f87ad2 3f7e458a ff7e7e7e
0ca0: 440b23ad 430b6145 3f7e41aa fffcfcfc
0cb0: 440b23ad 430b6145 3f7e41aa fffcfcfc
0cc0: 440771fa 431856cb 3f7e5e70 ff7e7e7e
0cd0: 440771fa 431856cb 3f7e5e70 ff7e7e7e
0ce0: 44043146 4323bfea 3f7e77c8 fffcfcfc
0cf0: 441e3a62 430b6145 3f7e41aa fffcfcfc
0d00: 4419522e 431856cb 3f7e5e70 ff7e7e7e
0d10: 4419522e 431856cb 3f7e5e70 ff7e7e7e
0d20: 44150016 4323bfea 3f7e77c8 fffcfcfc
0d30: 441ceaea 42dab6a4 3f7e4959 fffcfcfc
0d40: 44182bac 42f7f950 3f7e652f ff7e7e7e
0d50: 44182bac 42f7f950 3f7e652f ff7e7e7e
0d60: 4413fb78 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 fffcfcfc
0d70: 440a2720 42dab6a4 3f7e4959 fffcfcfc
0d80: 44069443 42f7f950 3f7e652f ff7e7e7e
0d90: 44069443 42f7f950 3f7e652f ff7e7e7e
0da0: 44036d13 4308e52e 3f7e7dc0 fffcfcfc
0db0: ee111300 43040f38 3f7e3168 3009090d
fire_buffer: DRM_VIA_PCICMD returned -22
-- System Information:
Debian Release: lenny/sid
APT prefers testing
APT policy: (500, 'testing'), (300, 'unstable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Kernel: Linux 2.6.26-1-vserver-686 (SMP w/1 CPU core)
Locale: LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=fr_FR.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
Versions of packages mu-cade depends on:
ii libbulletml0d1 0.0.6-3 C++ library to handle BulletML eas
ii libc6 2.7-13 GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii libgcc1 1:4.3.1-9 GCC support library
ii libgl1-mesa-glx [libgl 7.0.3-5 A free implementation of the OpenG
ii libglu1-mesa [libglu1] 7.0.3-5 The OpenGL utility library (GLU)
ii libode0debian1 2:0.9-1 Open Dynamics Engine - runtime lib
ii libsdl-mixer1.2 1.2.8-4 mixer library for Simple DirectMed
ii libsdl1.2debian 1.2.13-2 Simple DirectMedia Layer
ii mu-cade-data 0.11.dfsg1-2 the physics centipede invasion - g
ii zlib1g 1: compression library - runtime
mu-cade recommends no packages.
mu-cade suggests no packages.
-- no debconf information
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