Bug#441699: freezes system

Jordà Polo jorda at ettin.org
Tue Apr 7 16:15:46 UTC 2009

On Mon, Sep 10, 2007 at 10:47:49PM +0200, Tomas Pospisek wrote:
> I start neverputt and start hearing one tone after the other (about 3
> per second) meanwhile my system practically crawls to a freeze (866MHz
> with 1G RAM, nv X driver). Not much else is happening. It takes about 2
> minutes to kill the app afterwards.
> *t

A new stable version of Neverball (1.5.0) was released in February and
has been available in Debian for a while. Since it includes many
changes, it would be interesting to know if you can still reproduce this
problem using the latest release.

Thank you.

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