Bug#522970: hex-a-hop: More undo steps needed

Bas Wijnen wijnen at debian.org
Wed Apr 22 08:41:30 UTC 2009

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 08:40:17PM +0400, Tenno Seremel wrote:
> > That was the intended behaviour. In case you want to fix it by
> > yourself, change MAX_UNDO in hex_puzzzle.cpp and rebuild the
> > package.
> How about a command-line option? I doubt that I would recompile
> hex-a-hop every time it will update (if that happens), but thanks
> anyway.

Also, Debian doesn't need to agree when an author intends something.
Especially in case of hex-a-hop, where upstream is dead/taken over by
us, it is a good idea to rethink such policy decisions.  As far as I'm
concerned, we should remove the limit completely.  I don't see a reason
for limiting undo steps at all.


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