Bug#540517: wesnoth: no sound when another app is using the soundcard

Gerfried Fuchs rhonda at deb.at
Tue Aug 11 12:17:32 UTC 2009

	Hi again! :)

* Ernest Adrogué <eadrogue at gmx.net> [2009-08-11 13:58:25 CEST]:
> 10/08/09 @ 20:35 (+0200), thus spake Mark de Wever:
> > Which sound system do you use as backend for SDL?
> I was using the alsa backend. Now I have changed it to use pulseaudio,
> and the problem has gone.
> I am closing this bug, as it was caused by an incompatibility between
> SDL and pulseaudio, unrelated to wesnoth.

 Great, those are the bugs I like. ;)

 By change, does this also solve #540518 for you? Can we close that one,

 So long, and enjoy!

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