Bug#541971: xboard: displays kings for variant pieces
krs at hiwaay.net
krs at hiwaay.net
Wed Aug 19 02:31:57 UTC 2009
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h.g. muller wrote:
> So the solution I have chosen was meant as a compromise. By using
> flattened mitre in some sizes and crossed swords in the other for A
> people can just pick a slightly different size if they strongly prefer one
> representation over the other.
You could build on the compromise by creating pixmaps for the missing
sizes and keeping the mitres and swords in separate sets - all mitres in
a*.bm and all swords in as*.bm. The Gothic and Capablanca archbishops
default to their appropriate representations with all sizes available to
the user. Just as you've done with the chancellor...
> The representation of the chancellor is
> decided by selecting the variant (Gothic vs Capablanca). These variants
> only differ in initial setup, so if people really care about the C
> representation
> they can play Capablanca as Gothic by starting from a setup position
> (in the -loadPositionFile).
And with complete sets available, players could do the same with the
archbishop. No one will see kings where they should see the archbishops
and chancellors of their chosen variant. At least for the Capablanca
and Gothic players. The players of other variants can submit their own
bug reports. :)
Updating the documentation will be enough for me to consider this bug
closed. My suggestions above can go on the XBoard wish list.
Karl Sackett krs at hiwaay.net
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