Bug#535147: clarification

Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo fenio at debian.org
Mon Aug 31 10:06:48 UTC 2009

To clarify some things.

I have nothing against taking over maintenance of this package by anyone
more interested in it.

Feel free to do so!


  ,''`.  Bartosz Fenski | mailto:fenio at debian.org | pgp:0x13fefc40 | irc:fEnIo
 : :' :       32-050 Skawina - Glowackiego 3/15 - malopolskie v. - Poland
 `. `'           phone:+48602383548 | proud Debian maintainer and user
   `-            http://fenski.pl | xmpp:fenio at jabber.org | rlu:172001
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