Could you clean up a little, please?

Gerfried Fuchs rhonda at
Thu Dec 10 16:28:28 UTC 2009

* Bruno Kleinert <fuddl at> [2009-12-10 16:33:42 CET]:
> Am Donnerstag, den 10.12.2009, 13:02 +0100 schrieb Gerfried Fuchs:
> > > I see multiple versions of some of the tarballs,
> > 
> >  That shouldn't happen, I'm currently creating me a list of checksums of
> > the files to find such duplications, expect at least them to be gone
> > soonish.
> By "it shouldn't happen that there are multiple versions of tarballs"
> that tarballs of upstream versions that are in the archive should be
> deleted and there should only be versions of tarballs which haven't been
> uploaded, yet? That's how I understand it to remove "old" tarballs to
> clean up things.

 Well, the rationale for that is to make svn-buildpackage with the
property svnbp-origUrl (or how's that really spelled) be able to work -
even for historical versions. AIUI that was the original intention for
that directory.

 And there's a difference between "multiple versions of tarballs" and
"different versions of the same upstream project". Precisely spoken they
are only multiple if they contain the same data. Different versions of
the same code are ... different, not a multiple version - that was my

> >  We hope so too, see above. On a sidenote, many of them needed a
> > repacking from upstream because of licensing issues on special artwork
> > in the packages and thus a reference to upstream isn't sufficient (and
> > often they don't keep older versions neither).
> But they are in the archive and one can apt-get source them so we can
> remove these tarballs -- Do I get that right?

 If it would be about apt-get source, then yes. But we use VCSes for a
reason, and potentially destroying the workflows is something that
shouldn't be done lightly. About versions prior to stable, I have no
real objections to remove them. But I'd think that we should at least in
the areas where the svn properties depend on them in that area we should
keep around the tarballs for the versions we have in the archive, not
only the latest one while working on it.

 Just in case, this is my personal opinion, it isn't meant to overrule
anyone elses's or with any admin hat on, and if concensus goes a
different direction I won't step in the way. I just want to have the
reasoning straightened out properly and understandable so that the
judgment is done with that in mind.

 So long,

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