Bug#560069: wesnoth-httt needs files from wesnoth-sof; error in unit description

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Fri Dec 11 00:01:20 UTC 2009

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 10:15:07PM +0100, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
>  Actually, upstream is unable to follow that reasoning, and I have
> problems to do so, too. We aren't able to find any dwarvish runemasters
> in that campaign, nor any dwarvish runesmiths? The only match for the
> term "rune" in the campaign is part of the story description, nothing
> more.

The Dwarvish Fighter unit enabled the option to advance to either
Steelclad or Runesmith.  I confirm that when checking the core units I
cant see this.  But anyway - I did not hacked / patched the campaign and
realised this change in contrast what I know from the past.  I attached
the savegame which immediately leads to the problem if you fight the
enemy leader.
>  The Dwarvish Runesmith is only used in Sceptre of Fire and nowhere
> else:
>  Here is a comment from an upstream developer:
> <Ivanovic> that is: i don't understand the report completely
> <Ivanovic> it is clearly not about httt
> <Ivanovic> since in httt there is no runemaster at all
> <Ivanovic> there are only runemasters in thot and sof
> <Ivanovic> and the runesmith is *only* used in SoF

This is what I *expected* but my *observation* is different.
>  Can you maybe attach your savegame for inspection?

See attachment.  I admit I deleted all previous savegames.

Kind regards


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