Bug#559615: boswars: uncontrollable with Wacom tablet when in full-screen mode

Kalle Olavi Niemitalo kon at iki.fi
Sun Dec 20 00:20:45 UTC 2009

This now looks like an SDL bug.
The coordinates from SDL_PollEvent are already wrong:
event->motion.xrel is -10824 at the left edge of the tablet
and +10824 at the right edge, i.e. absolute position rather
than relative motion; and event->motion.x increases/decreases
according to xrel while being clamped to [0,  1279], which
presumably corresponds to the selected 1280x720 resolution.
(1366x768 is the native resolution in this laptop.)

The Barrage game has no such problem with the tablet
and I see it gets the coordinates from SDL_GetMouseState
rather than from SDL_PollEvent.

I didn't find anything relevant in the src:libsdl1.2 bug list.
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