Bug#511719: Build got disabled on powerpc

Evgeni Golov sargentd at die-welt.net
Sat Jan 17 17:19:43 UTC 2009

On Sat, 17 Jan 2009 17:47:39 +0100 Sebastian Andrzej Siewior wrote:

> The build of this package got "disabled" according to #432666. However,
> I don't understand why PowerPC did not get excluded from the
> Architectures field in the control file but via a rule in the rules
> file.
> Gentoo has only x86 and amd64 in arch list, ubuntu ships the same thing
> that debian does. I did not find the package in fedora, opensuse or any
> other distro which supports powerpc.
> I recommend update the Architecture field until someone finds out why it
> segfaults.

Well, the really correct sollution would be fixing the issues on
PowerPC. And as far I have heard those are actually fixed in the latest
version, so we maybe just can reenable ppc builds and close that bug...
But that needs further testing, and I dont have a PowerPC to do so :(

Bruce Schneier Fact Number 55:
Every time Bruce Schneier smiles, an amateur cryptographer dies.
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