Bug#511719: Build got disabled on powerpc

Yves-Alexis Perez corsac at debian.org
Sat Jan 17 17:44:57 UTC 2009

On sam, 2009-01-17 at 18:19 +0100, Evgeni Golov wrote:
> Well, the really correct sollution would be fixing the issues on
> PowerPC. And as far I have heard those are actually fixed in the latest
> version, so we maybe just can reenable ppc builds and close that bug...
> But that needs further testing, and I dont have a PowerPC to do so :(

I'm the involved tester and I can confirm it does work. I can only run
to the menu (it's too laggy to start a game) but if you need me to do
some tests I can do. I've uploaded the built package on
http://molly.corsac.net/~corsac/sauer/ if someone has a powerful enough
ppc box (I tested on a powerbook G4 1.5Ghz with radeon 9600)

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