Bug#546272: patches

Russell Coker russell at coker.com.au
Sun Oct 11 11:26:25 UTC 2009

The above bug report has a patch to fix some compile warnings.

The above bug report has a patch for the FTBFS problem with the editing code.

Once those are fixed there is the issue of the data files.  When editing is 
enabled it expects BMP files instead of the DAT files and it also expects a 
different format for the level files.

It seems that the source code for the default levels is not available (IE it's 
just binary .dat files with no way of generating them).

I think that we need at least a tool to unpack those pack files.  Also it 
would be good if the game could be shipped with the original level files, 
please ask the author if they can be made available.

russell at coker.com.au
http://etbe.coker.com.au/          My Main Blog
http://doc.coker.com.au/           My Documents Blog

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