Bug#579618: gargoyle-free 2009-08-25-1 should "provide zcode-interpreter"

Jeff Stone stone1343 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 05:42:09 UTC 2010

Package: gargoyle-free
Version: 2009-08-25-1

Hi, this is just a small thing. I found this bug using Ubuntu Lucid, but I
believe I should be submitting the bug to you, and that it will propagate
"downstream" to Ubuntu.

When you do
sudo apt-get install inform gargoyle-free
it also wants to install fizmo, because inform recommends zcode-interpreter,
and gargoyle-free isn't marked properly as "providing" zcode-interpreter,
but it definitely does.

I did note that gargoyle-free does update-alternatives so that the command
"zcode-interpreter" invokes gargoyle properly. So it seems the package
control file should have
Provides: zcode-interpreter

I hope I've summarized the issue properly. Thanks!

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