Bug#506809: oolite: new upstream release (1.73)

Stephen Kitt steve at sk2.org
Wed Aug 18 06:56:01 UTC 2010

On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 06:19:27PM +0200, Ludovic Brenta wrote:
> I'm about to sponsor the package by Nicolas Boulenguez (1.74.2) into
> unstable.  I have already built the package and am testing it.  Before I
> upload, I have a pair of questions.  From the debian/control in the
> proposed new version I see:
> Maintainer: Debian Games Team <pkg-games-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
> Uploaders: Eddy Petrișor <eddy.petrisor at gmail.com>, Nicolas Boulenguez <nicolas.boulenguez at free.fr>
> I propose to change this to simply
> Maintainer: Nicolas Boulenguez <nicolas.boulenguez at free.fr>
> with no other Uploaders.
> Rationale: 
> - No upload from Eddy since 2009-09-30 (package wormux)
> - the package is not really maintained by the Debian Games Team, only by
>   Nicolas.
> Any objections, please raise your hand.

I'm raising it! Let me explain why. Most of the packages "maintained"
by the Debian Games Team are really maintained by one person only in
practice, so in effect, as long as the person in question remains
active there is no advantage to having the package team-maintained.
However, having the package marked as maintained by the Debian Games
Team does mean that anyone in the DGT can theoretically feel free to
step in and take care of the package should the need arise (I'm not
saying I expect this to be a problem with Nicolas in particular, it's
true in general).

The risk I see is that if you do indicate that Nicolas is the sole
maintainer, then any problems in the future would require the usual
dance of NMUs and possibly adoption.  (That's the reason why when I've
adopted a game-related package I've done so within the Games Team.)  I
see that there has already been an upload with changes by Nicolas
marked as maintained by the Games Team, so I'm assuming he's OK with
that...  Of course if it's no longer the case then all my
argumentation becomes moot.

I've got no objection to removing Eddy from the list of uploaders



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