Bug#601157: I don't get this bug when testing....

Bas Wijnen wijnen at debian.org
Wed Dec 15 07:54:38 UTC 2010

found 601157 0.6.2+dfsg1-2

Op 15-12-10 00:34, William Shipley schreef:
> I am also using version 0.6.2+dfsg1-2, but this bug doesn't occur. Also,
> there is no player modeled after Gnu....

The GNU kart isn't present from the beginning; it's one of the presents
you get for beating a challenge. It is in the menu in a special place as
well (in a sub-menu), which is probably the cause of this bug.

> perhaps you were using an older
> version, but didn't report it until this version, in which case it would
> be "fixed"
> Either way, this bug hasn't occurred for me at all.

Appearantly this is only the case for the GNU kart, and not for others.
Thanks for testing this, this should make it easier to find the problem. :-)


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