Bug#585187: bubbros: Python string exceptions

Ben Finney ben+debian at benfinney.id.au
Mon Jul 19 01:37:40 UTC 2010

On 18-Jul-2010, Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals wrote:
> Thank your for your bug report and patch. I'm sorry I didn't answer
> before, somehow I didn't get any mail about it :/.

You might want to subscribe to the Debian BTS for packages you
maintain. That way you'll see bug report traffic for those packages.

> Anyway, I'm not a DD yet, so feel free to upload the patch (be it as
> NMU or adding yourself to Uploaders).

Nor am I. As an active maintainer, could you get in touch with the
Debian maintainer listed in this package's ‘Maintainer’ field to apply
the changes as you see fit?

You also presumably have a relationship with the upstream maintainers
of the work, so passing patches you approve of to them for inclusion
in a future release would also be good.

 \           “Special today: no ice cream.” —mountain inn, Switzerland |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <ben at benfinney.id.au>
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