Bug#582234: cannot sink titanic in funnyboat

vreuzon vreuzon at free.fr
Wed May 19 09:21:26 UTC 2010

Package: funnyboat
Version: 1.5-6

The titanic cannot be sunk if the steamboat shoots birds and
cannonball at it. Thus, it's almost impossible to win.

birds costs titanic 12 points ; cannonball 1 point. if shooting the 
titanic with birds, titanic life count goes negative without
beeing zero at any time.  Currently, titanic dies if health is zero.

2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP

--> suggestion :

in funnyboat/titanic.py, line 46 : replace
       if self.health == 0:


       if self.health <= 0:



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