Bug#622227: bastet: [debconf_rewrite] Debconf templates and debian/control review

Christian Perrier bubulle at debian.org
Mon Apr 11 05:19:50 UTC 2011

Package: bastet
Version: N/A
Severity: normal
Tags: patch

Dear Debian maintainer,

On Saturday, March 19, 2011, I notified you of the beginning of a review process
concerning debconf templates for bastet.

The debian-l10n-english contributors have now reviewed these templates,
and the proposed changes are attached to this bug report.

Please review the suggested changes, and if you have any
objections, let me know in the next 3 days.

However, please try to avoid uploading bastet with these changes
right now.

The second phase of this process will begin on Thursday, April 14, 2011, when I will
coordinate updates to translations of debconf templates.

The existing translators will be notified of the changes: they will
receive an updated PO file for their language.

Simultaneously, a general call for new translations will be sent to
the debian-i18n mailing list.

Both these calls for translations will request updates to be sent as
individual bug reports. That will probably trigger a lot of bug
reports against your package, but these should be easier to deal with.

The call for translation updates and new translations will run until
about Thursday, May 05, 2011. Please avoid uploading a package with fixed or changed
debconf templates and/or translation updates in the meantime. Of
course, other changes are safe.

Please note that this is an approximative delay, which depends on my
own availability to process this work and is influenced by the fact
that I simultaneously work on many packages.

Around Friday, May 06, 2011, I will contact you again and will send a final patch
summarizing all the updates (changes to debconf templates,
updates to debconf translations and new debconf translations).

Again, thanks for your attention and cooperation.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: wheezy/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)

Kernel: Linux 2.6.38-2-686 (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=C (charmap=ANSI_X3.4-1968)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
-------------- next part --------------
--- bastet.old/debian/bastet.templates	2011-03-17 20:15:27.309656408 +0100
+++ bastet/debian/bastet.templates	2011-04-11 07:19:39.630482728 +0200
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
+# These templates have been reviewed by the debian-l10n-english
+# team
+# If modifications/additions/rewording are needed, please ask
+# debian-l10n-english at lists.debian.org for advice.
+# Even minor modifications require translation updates and such
+# changes should be coordinated with translators and reviewers.
 Template: bastet/score_file_compatibility
-Type: select
-__Choices: keep, remove
-Default: keep
-_Description: What would you like to do with the old scores file?
- It seems that you have got an old-style scores file installed on 
- your system located in '/var/games/bastet.scores'.
+Type: boolean
+Default: false
+_Description: Remove old-format Bastet highscores file?
+ The new version of Bastet cannot read highscores files in the old
+ format, like the one at /var/games/bastet.scores.
- As of version 0.43 the scores file format has changed.
- As newer Bastet does not provide any compatibility layer with the
- old format, your old scores file is no longer valid.
- .
- To prevent data loss, it's time for you to choose what to do
- with the old file. If you decide to keep it, it's your
- responsibility to keep track of it in the future. 
- If you don't mind losing your old high scores, it's recommended 
- to remove the file to avoid cluttering your system with files 
- not handled by the package manager.
+ You can decide to remove the old scores file now. If you leave it on
+ the system it will be ignored by Bastet and will no longer be
+ tracked by the package management system.
--- bastet.old/debian/control	2011-03-17 20:15:27.309656408 +0100
+++ bastet/debian/control	2011-03-31 06:54:36.721121877 +0200
@@ -13,9 +13,8 @@
 Package: bastet
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Free clone of Tetris, featuring a bastard level
- Bastet (stands for "bastard Tetris") is a free (GPL'd) clone of Tetris(r) 
- which is designed to be "as bastard as possible": it tries to compute how 
- useful blocks are and gives you the worst, the most bastard it can find. 
- Playing bastet can be a painful experience, especially if you usually 
+Description: ncurses Tetris clone with a bastard algorithm
+ Bastet ("bastard Tetris") is a free clone of Tetris which tries to
+ compute how useful blocks are and gives you the worst possible brick.
+ Playing bastet can be a painful experience, especially if you usually
  make "canyons" and wait for the long I-shaped block.

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